An animated WPF flowchart


There was recently a need to create an animated flowchart in order to depict the transition between the states of a workflow. This post presents the main points of the implementation. If you prefer to directly dive into the code, you can find the complete implementation with a working sample on Github. The sample includes an animated flowchart for a blog post workflow like the one you can see below.


The goal was to create a reusable component and therefore, the complete functionality is encapsulated in one user control, FlowChartControl, which has three dependency properties:

The FlowChartControl uses two subcontrols that represent the two geometric shapes available, FlowChartCircle and FlowChartLine. These controls include some triggers for defining the necessary color according to the state they are in and a Content dependency property for setting the state name. The code of these two controls is pretty straight forward and I will not get into the details of the implementation.

Let us focus on some interesting points of the FlowChartControl class instead.


All the action in this control resides in CurrentStatusChangedCallBack() which is called every time the CurrentStatus dependency property is changed.

This method calls CreateChart() which draws the flowchart, a StackPanel with horizontal orientation which we add the FlowChartCircle and FlowChartLine controls to.


If the Animate dependency property is set to false, the opacity of the StackPanel is set to one and the complete flowchart becomes visible straight away.

If set to true, the CreateStoryBoard() is called. This method sets the opacity of the flowchart to zero, iterates the StackPanel’s children list and gradually increases the opacity from zero to one producing the desired animation.